
Wednesday 19 December 2018

WWF: World Wildlife Fund

Image result for saimaa ringed seal

1. Bestowed by the WWF, they are attempting to save the endangered Saimaa ringed from predators. The Saimaa ringed seal gives birth in a snowbank and without that snowbank, it will have to be born in the middle of the ice. If it is born with no snow bank, predators are able to eat the baby seals and that's how their species are becoming endangered.

2. The goal for the WWF is to create snow banks for the Saimaa ringed seals so the wicked predators wouldn't eat any of the pups.

3. If the WWF succeed with no doubt, the Saimaa ringed seals are able to give birth to many more pups so that way, the species wouldn't become endangered. Help make a difference, save the Saimaa ringed seals.


Lee SLJ said...

Hi Sosaia,

I have really enjoyed reading your summary of the plight faced by the Saimaa ringed seal. It sounds like the seal could be in danger if people don't step in and help. Is the WWF having any luck helping them?
The only seals I've ever seen have been at the zoo. Sometimes they make funny noises. I could be wrong, but I think once one of them was going for a walk around the zoo with some zookeepers!
What is your favourite animal, and do you know of any other animals that are endangered like this?

I'm enjoying reading your blog!
Talk to you soon
- Lee

DX said...

Hey Lee,
thank you so much for your comment and for taking time to read my blog. I'm sure that the WWF are doing really well! Just like you, I've only seen seals at zoos. My favourite animal is probably a horse. The only animal I know that is endangered is a skink. What other animals do you know that are endangered?

Talk to you soon

Lee SLJ said...

Hey Sosaia,
The big one I know is Maui's dolphin - look that one up!
Yes, I think people like the WWF do a great job.
Have a really good day!
- Lee

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