
Sunday 23 December 2018

Trip to the Tundra!

Image result for tundra
Dear Sau,
my trip to the tundra was a fantastic experience and I got to say, that was the driest place I have ever seen with my own two eyes. As I traveled there, I began to notice that there wasn't any trees there, which was very unusual to me. Although it is very dry, it is also very cold. The average temperature there is -27 degrees celsius and comparing the temperature to Antarctica, it is pretty close to being the coldest area. While I was there, I learnt that the name tundra comes from the Finnish word, tunturia. I also learnt that there are two parts of tundra, alpine tundra and arctic tundra. I hope that you will be interested to visit this place someday.

From Sosaia.

Friday 21 December 2018

Towering Timber

Image result for logging

I believe that logging shouldn't be accepted in New Zealand, for it could damage many native New Zealand animals. New Zealand is home to many native animals like Kiwis, Keas and many others. Plus, logging could cause death to endangered animals like Skinks and so many more. Cutting down trees could cut our oxygen just like that. I also believe that New Zealand should from now on, build their houses out of bricks. For it does not damage the environment, nor the animal life around it. These are my reasons why, logging shouldn't be accepted at New Zealand.

Titanium Hotel

If I could build my very own hotel, I'll probably create it with titanium and build it in Los Angeles. Titanium is the strongest metal there is and if any one attempts to shoot my firm building down with a pistol it will not take damage. But with a higher powered weapon it can be busted down with a couple of shots. So come and stay in my hotel where we are safe!

Thursday 20 December 2018

Eight Easy Steps!

In today's activity, I will be naming my favourite food and showing you how to make it. Shall we get started?

Out of all the foods in the world, my favourite food is the most delectable food I've ever tasted, Butter Chicken. It just fills my tastebuds with joy and flavour, it makes me relax a lot.

  • 3 large Chicken breast skinless
  • 150 g butter
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 tsps garlic crushed
  • 5 tbsp tomato paste
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp garam masala
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • 1/2 tsp ginger
  • 1/2 tsp Chilli
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 500 ml Cream
  • Salt and pepper

  1. Cut the chicken into chunks.
  2. Mix nutmeg, cumin, ginger, chilli, turmeric, salt and pepper in one bowl.
  3. Add a chicken and coat.
  4. Melt the butter in a pan, then add garlic and onion saute.
  5. Add chicken to the pan and cook till brown, then add tomato paste and garam masala. Then mix the well.
  6. Add cream and mix in well slowly.
  7. Simmer for about 15 minutes or till chicken is cooked.
  8. Serve with rice if wanted.

Image result for butter chicken

Scaling New Heights

Sir Edmund Hillary was the first man alive to climb tallest mountain in the entire world. Mount Everest! He did this in 1953 and he is now found in the five dollar note of New Zealand. Tday I will be writing down five questions, I would ask Sir Edmund Hillary.

1. What or who committed you to climb Mount Everest?

2. How long did it take to climb the mountain?

3. Do you regret your decision climbing that mountain?

4. Would you climb it again?

5. How does climbing that mountain affect your life?

If I interviewed Sir Edmund Hillary, these are the five questions I would have asked him.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

WWF: World Wildlife Fund

Image result for saimaa ringed seal

1. Bestowed by the WWF, they are attempting to save the endangered Saimaa ringed from predators. The Saimaa ringed seal gives birth in a snowbank and without that snowbank, it will have to be born in the middle of the ice. If it is born with no snow bank, predators are able to eat the baby seals and that's how their species are becoming endangered.

2. The goal for the WWF is to create snow banks for the Saimaa ringed seals so the wicked predators wouldn't eat any of the pups.

3. If the WWF succeed with no doubt, the Saimaa ringed seals are able to give birth to many more pups so that way, the species wouldn't become endangered. Help make a difference, save the Saimaa ringed seals.

DOC Ranger!

This activity will be about the advantages and the disadvantages about being a Department of Conservation ranger. Let the listing comence.


1. You will receive recognition, respect and an opportunity for personal growth.

2. You will foster a sense of owning, engagement and meaning with the staff.

3. You receive a great amount of money.


1. The animals could possibly damage you.

2. You could be doing your job in dangerous weather.

3. You could be allergic to furry animals and you could spread the your illness.

Overall, I would not like to be a DOC ranger for you could be attacked by the one of the dangerous animals. Once, I visited the zoo and a Kea flew right past my head and almost scared me to death. If you are mocking me right now, go to the cage of the Kea, trust me it's terrifying.

Fantastic Beasts!

Image result for beast quotes

For today's activity, I'll will be creating my very own ferocious, creepy, ugly beast using interesting adjectives. Why don't we commence?

Webstinger is a really dangerous Australian beast who wonders around the driest deserts travelling with no sudden sound that he is never heard creeping. His body is dark green with an odd symbol on it's back, four dark coloured arms, six dark green sharp legs and a dark shaded green tail that, on the very top end of the point has a deadly poison. His sharp black teeth has venom consumed inside of it, so one bite will immediately lead to death. He catches his disgusting prey by wrapping their victims in an uncomfortable, firm web and then feasts on the disgusting body, devouring it like a piece of cake. So what ever you do, watch your back when you travel to Australian deserts for it can be creeping up on you before you even know it. So expect, the unexpected.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

What A Question!

To be honest, maths is my greatest strength and all my family members know how much I love maths. So this is my strategy of solving this complicated problem.

First work out what the topic sentence is, (e.g 4x3) which is 365 x 3 = X

Then work it out!

300 x 3 = 900

60 x 3 =180

5 x 3 = 15


Then write the word statement at the end!

In one year, you will need to give to a cactus 1095 ml of water.

There you go! If your friend has a cactus at home tell your friend, that is how much water you give to that specific plant.

Fabulous Fern!

These are my chosen New Zealand teams that have the title fern!

1. Black Ferns

2. Silverferns

3. White Ferns

1.Image result for black ferns

2.  .Image result for silver ferns netball

3.   Image result for white ferns

My favourite uniform out of all is Silver Ferns uniform. I'm just interested in the design of it and it looks great to me. If I could choose my favourite sports team, sadly I will have to choose Black Ferns.